v539 Released 11/9/20
- DM Online Payments: New designs and enhanced mobile designs for client interface
- 1099 – NEC forms added
- Delivered Date not appearing properly on Project Status Report – Full Detail Version
- Change Review/Send banner to be a notification on Review/Send button
- Remove the check to Send Later for convenience fee invoices for Stripe charges
- Exporting Proposals Grid on Proposals and Documents Window does not include all columns
- Ex-employees still get task notifications when creating a task for “everyone”
- Long Vendor Email causes Inventory PO’s not to process
- Aged A/R report can get invalid date error when exporting to Excel
- When no deposit was applied to an invoice, the Client Statements do not show Items (when Show Items option is selected)
- Clicking the Inactive check Column on the Proposals Window asks to mark the Proposal Complete (instead of inactive)