
  • None


  • Fixed: When reprinting a Client Invoice and Credit Card Receipt, and selecting to email the Invoice after reviewing the print preview, the email field was not automatically populating.
  • Fixed: When using single item PO setting an associated component from one item can appear on another PO if the consecutive items are for the same vendor.
  • Fixed: If using the page break before on the layout for a group that is inside more than one Location, the group always page breaks before.
  • Fixed: Client Invoices were not automatically appearing on ClientConnect even though all defaults were set to do so.
  • Fixed: When printing checks, the check numbers can change when tabbing through the date/account fields.
  • Fixed: SQL ONLY – Classic Purchase Orders were repeating the Ship To Contact name.
  • Fixed: Tag for Vendor was not working when making a new Purchase Order/Work Order.
  • Fixed: Removed yellow highlight lines from General Ledger.
  • Fixed: Percentages were not taking enough digits for certain pricing combinations to work properly (i.e. locking in the price).