v529 Released 3/25/18 – New Features!
- Added Autocomplete to search dropdowns
- Added a new Tear Sheet Proposal style for Items
- Added new Modern style Quote and Order documents for optional Showroom module
- Added new Modern style Spec Sheet
- Added new Modern style Bid Spec Sheet
- Added new Modern style Proposal with no Pricing Information
- Added PO Sidemark as a column on the Specification Search
- Fixed: Invoice styles that show deposit are showing items with a different sales tax than the total sales tax (when rounding issues appear).
- Fixed: Proposals are suppressing the Project Code when the option for Show Proposal Name is not selected.
- Fixed: Select by dropdown on Showroom Quotes/Orders, the focus after select by Salesperson, is not going to the search field for salesperson.
- Fixed: Showroom Quotes and Orders are not receiving the client default for Invoice Terms or the PO Designer Extension from the Employee/Salesperson/Mgr.
- Fixed: On A/R Client Returns, the manager field is not visible when it’s not a retainer-type.
- Fixed: Client Name Field on Purchase and Work Orders window is cutting off on left of text box.
- Fixed: Receive error message when clicking on the clear button in the Transaction search.
- Fixed: The Modern Proposal and With Deposit styles are not suppressing the Proposal Name, when the “show Proposal Name” option in the project default is not selected.
- Fixed: Tabbing is out of order on The Data Collection Items window (for Physical count, project transfer, etc.).
- Fixed: The Proposal (except for Modern) can show the approval signature twice or not at all when Show Actual Deposits option is selected.
- Fixed: An error message occurs when exporting inventory stock items and selecting yes to include pictures.
- Fixed: Access denied message appears on the cash receipts window when you have access to cash receipts, but no access to make bank deposits.
- Fixed: Duplicate entries can be seen on the Purchases Posting List when hold is used.
- Fixed: The password attribute to allow to Add Clients is not working unless the Edit Clients is unlocked as well.
- Fixed: An error message occurs when using the next and previous arrows while editing a task or appointment.
- Fixed: The minimize toolbar setting on the view tab of the ribbon bar is not saving.
- Fixed: When exporting item grid from project specs it does not ask to export the picture.
- Fixed: ClientConnect does not send emails from the correct email address when using the SMTP settings.
- Fixed: Password option to not allow updates for ClientConnect does not prevent message when you start software.
- Fixed: The “Pay with” is skipped when tabbing on the Vendor Invoice/Deposit/Expense screen.
- Fixed: A error message occurs when creating a new Inventory PO using the by reorder point for Vendor option.
- Fixed: Email and website fields should allow up to 255 characters.
- Fixed: The clipboard button on the picture tab tip tool verbiage is incorrect.
- Fixed: An error message occurs when trying to sort on the grid columns on the Quotes & Orders window – Order tab.
- Fixed: Time import error message occurs when importing a google calendar .ics file.