Report Linksare here! Design Manager reports now open in your web browser as a PDF file type for an even better user experience.
Fixed: Adding items from the tree view can cause application error
Fixed: Time items going to status of ordered when entered instead of needs to be invoiced
Fixed: The Sales Journal Sales Category Summary does not have entry for Items with no sales category
Fixed: Search in the description field of new Delivery Tickets and PO/WO’s
Fixed: Aged Accounts Receivable Detail Report cuts date column off
Fixed: Balances on Open Purchase Order and PO Listing reports Summary and Detail
Fixed: Column headings on component window, order status tab, and grids
Fixed: Open PO and PO Listing Summary and Detail do not match when additional components are added to the vendor invoice not on original PO
Fixed: PNG file types upload slower than other picture file types
Fixed: Error picking help button on the client glossary – clientconnect – users tab
Fixed: Re-printing an invoice can show wrong format when company information has never been saved
Fixed: Sort the Material Reference by Specification Number
Fixed: Number of Expenses Total on Misc. Project Expense Listing
Fixed: Error when closing PO on Purchase Order Window when it is the only PO on the grid
Fixed: Description can run into Unit Price column on Commercial Invoice
Fixed: When the statement style is set to the first style type on the list in company advanced options, the statement report does not show the options to select a different style
Fixed: Dates on G/L Transaction Register Report
Fixed: Help manual opens behind DM program window when editing or adding a project
For clients using Item Groups, new document styles for Proposals and Invoices have been added to show the Group Price totals only. Single Item prices will not appear on these styles.
Ability to have custom documents and reports in the latest version without needing custom software. There is an additional charge for the custom document to be created.
Use the Copy Image Address option on a vendor’s website to copy to the clipboard. This will allow you to paste the URL on Picture tabs inside items and components to display the image.
Fixed: The description column in the catalog is not sorting and therefore unable to search.
Fixed: No Current Record in To Do List when list is blank and creating a new task for another user
Fixed: Using OK add to create new items does not remember or look at the project default Bypass WIP setting
Fixed: Double click not working on Company Window – Budget Tab
Fixed: If you rename the Sales Tax title, the Modern formats of Proposal do not show the proper title
Fixed: Print with pictures check box is not being remembered on Purchase Order or Work Order
Fixed: Suppress Bid Spec Prices visible from advanced button on Proposal Window, remarks tab
Fixed: Incorrect phone # formatting on showroom reports
Fixed: Enhanced loading speed when updating Components on the PO on the Purchase Order Status Window
Fixed: Budget Entry warning not appearing when enter time through Employee Time Window
Added new Modern style Quote and Order documents for optional Showroom module
Added new Modern style Spec Sheet
Added new Modern style Bid Spec Sheet
Added new Modern style Proposal with no Pricing Information
Added PO Sidemark as a column on the Specification Search
Fixed: Invoice styles that show deposit are showing items with a different sales tax than the total sales tax (when rounding issues appear).
Fixed: Proposals are suppressing the Project Code when the option for Show Proposal Name is not selected.
Fixed: Select by dropdown on Showroom Quotes/Orders, the focus after select by Salesperson, is not going to the search field for salesperson.
Fixed: Showroom Quotes and Orders are not receiving the client default for Invoice Terms or the PO Designer Extension from the Employee/Salesperson/Mgr.
Fixed: On A/R Client Returns, the manager field is not visible when it’s not a retainer-type.
Fixed: Client Name Field on Purchase and Work Orders window is cutting off on left of text box.
Fixed: Receive error message when clicking on the clear button in the Transaction search.
Fixed: The Modern Proposal and With Deposit styles are not suppressing the Proposal Name, when the “show Proposal Name” option in the project default is not selected.
Fixed: Tabbing is out of order on The Data Collection Items window (for Physical count, project transfer, etc.).
Fixed: The Proposal (except for Modern) can show the approval signature twice or not at all when Show Actual Deposits option is selected.
Fixed: An error message occurs when exporting inventory stock items and selecting yes to include pictures.
Fixed: Access denied message appears on the cash receipts window when you have access to cash receipts, but no access to make bank deposits.
Fixed: Duplicate entries can be seen on the Purchases Posting List when hold is used.
Fixed: The password attribute to allow to Add Clients is not working unless the Edit Clients is unlocked as well.
Fixed: An error message occurs when using the next and previous arrows while editing a task or appointment.
Fixed: The minimize toolbar setting on the view tab of the ribbon bar is not saving.
Fixed: When exporting item grid from project specs it does not ask to export the picture.
Fixed: ClientConnect does not send emails from the correct email address when using the SMTP settings.
Fixed: Password option to not allow updates for ClientConnect does not prevent message when you start software.
Fixed: The “Pay with” is skipped when tabbing on the Vendor Invoice/Deposit/Expense screen.
Fixed: A error message occurs when creating a new Inventory PO using the by reorder point for Vendor option.
Fixed: Email and website fields should allow up to 255 characters.
Fixed: The clipboard button on the picture tab tip tool verbiage is incorrect.
Fixed: An error message occurs when trying to sort on the grid columns on the Quotes & Orders window – Order tab.
Fixed: Time import error message occurs when importing a google calendar .ics file.
Vendor Markups/Discounts/Fees- Now you can set pricing based on your Vendor specific markups and discounts. The Vendor Defaults window has a new section where you can enter these percentages.
We have added a default Company & Project Delivery Ticket Remarks section.
A Company option has been added to hide the names of the employees that have completed the Time Billing entered into a Project.
New Help Center has been included in this release. The Design Manager Vision Pane will now have an updated look to accommodate the Help Center changes.
Fixed: Spec Search Window had a column missing after User Date 2 and sorting by column headings improved.
Fixed: Spec Search Window is not handling null dates with and not selected.
Fixed: Item thumbnail pictures when brought in from Inventory.
Fixed: Printing bar when printing a Client Invoice.
Speed enhancements when searching or selecting Project Purchase Orders for A/P Vendor Invoice entry.
Fixed: Proposal Status and Project Specifications tasks grids do not export when right-clicking.
Fixed: Project email address does not auto populate when emailing a new Proposal.
Fixed: When making a new Client Invoice with a single Item on the list, editing the Item and marking it complete, it must drop from the tag list.
Added Sales Tax code and Client Invoice terms to the Client Window that will default to any Project made for that Client.
Fixed: When select to Create a Ship To Code from the Vendor Window, the system does not acknowledge it has been completed.
Fixed: The Vision Pane is not showing the proper amount for Accounts Payable when they are partially paid.
Increased the Purchase Order Verbal/ Ref # field from 10 characters to 30.
Fixed: When using the Add from Catalog, Inventory, Data Collection or Quick Add it does not obey the markup overrides for the Sales Category or Location from the Project Defaults Budget Tab.
Increased speed when editing Proposals with over 500 items.
Fixed: Proposal Status and Project Specifications Scheduled tasks grids do not export.
Fixed: Client return/credit creating a negative .01 balance due on invoice due to sales tax rounding.
DM Vision pane was adjusted to show the proper amount of Accounts Payable when there were partial payments.
Fixed: Project Email address did not auto populate when emailing a new proposal.
Improved speed when opening, searching, and selecting PO/Projects for A/P vendor invoice entry.
Tag All feature adjusted to include items that do not have Ship to Codes entered on New Purchase Order Window.
Fixed: Time Entries are being assigned to an incorrect Employee when using the ok add button and changing the project code.
Added manual tagging ability to components to add them to a new Work Order.
Fixed: When voiding an Invoice for Inventory PO that used a deposit, the deposit does not go back to open for that PO and thus shows an “other figure” on the open vendor deposit report.
Fixed: When editing a delivery ticket the items not on the ticket are not showing the components when company option is selected.
Fixed: The project level budget analysis report continues to show the full item description when you select the no option.
Fixed: When reprinting a Client Invoice and Credit Card Receipt, and selecting to email the Invoice after reviewing the print preview, the email field was not automatically populating.
Fixed: When using single item PO setting an associated component from one item can appear on another PO if the consecutive items are for the same vendor.
Fixed: If using the page break before on the layout for a group that is inside more than one Location, the group always page breaks before.
Fixed: Client Invoices were not automatically appearing on ClientConnect even though all defaults were set to do so.
Fixed: When printing checks, the check numbers can change when tabbing through the date/account fields.
Fixed: SQL ONLY – Classic Purchase Orders were repeating the Ship To Contact name.
Fixed: Tag for Vendor was not working when making a new Purchase Order/Work Order.
Fixed: Removed yellow highlight lines from General Ledger.
Fixed: Percentages were not taking enough digits for certain pricing combinations to work properly (i.e. locking in the price).